Science and Tech conference & activities for girls

Saturday, 18. November 2017
All Day
Boulevard du Pont-d'Arve 40, 1211 Geneva

On Saturday, November 18, 2017, “Expanding your Horizons – Geneva” (EYH) will hold its fifth biennial/every 2 years event for young girls, to encourage girls to study science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The event will be held at the University of Geneva (Uni Mail).

“Expanding your Horizons” is a free event that caters for girls from the ages of 11 to 14 years living in Geneva and the surrounding region. We hope to attract 550 girls to take part in a selection from 30 workshops. It will be packed with activities to show that science and technology can be  fun and interesting for girls.

Lots of inspiring experiences, workshops and a career’s forum

EYH is an event combining fun and hands on experiments. There are workshops in both French and English, delivered by local professional women in the field of science, mathematics, engineering and technology. Girls have the opportunity to participate in workshops on topics such as: “design and manufacture with 3D printers 3D”, “The slime factory”, “Simulation of the conduct of a locomotive”. Parents are also invited to participate in a workshop where we will discuss ways to encourage and support your daughters to maintain an interest in STEM at school and later to consider a career in these fields.

Registration opens September 1, 2017. Please see the event page for more details.