Referendum against Network Blocking in Casino Act – help us fight for a free and open Internet
The new Swiss Casino Act proposes to protect Swiss Casinos from foreign competition online using Network Blocking, i.e. means that are not only ineffective but also detrimental to the free and open Internet. We are participating in the campaign to raise awareness around the limitations this imposes on the Internet and the precedent it creates. Please support us in our fight for the Free and Open Internet!
We made signing the referendum easy for you, please find instructions on:
– French: https://www.digitale-gesellsch
– German: https://www.digitale-gesellsch
Please fill the form, print it out, complete and sign it. Last but not least, don’t forget to send it back to us immediately, no stamp needed (as postage fee is paid by the receiver).
To enforce a popular vote, we need 50’000 signatures of Swiss citizen’s by the end of this year. Every signature counts!