IANA Transition Presentation Available
Here is a link to the PDF of the engaging presentation by Vice-Chair, Markus Kummer: “The IANA transition — a watershed moment for the Internet.”
The IANA transition marks the end of US oversight over the Internet. Some called it Independence Day for the Internet or for ICANN. Without any doubt it was a significant milestone in the history of the Internet. ICANN Board member Markus Kummer will explain the history of the transition and how it happened. He will also reflect on the implications of the IANA stewardship transition and the broader context of the Internet governance debate.
If you have questions about this presentation, please feel free to contact Markus at his ISOC email: vice-chair-internal((AT))isoc.ch
Click the image to download PDF.
UPDATED: a recent presentation is posted here. Shared by Markus Kummer, Board Member, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) – The IANA transition process and ICANN (Presentation on ICANN Markus Kummer ISOC-CH AGM 2017)