OFCOM Net Neutrality Working Group Progress and Information
Beginning in October 2013, the OFCOM (Office of Communication / Swiss government agency) Working Group on Net Neutrality began discussions and work toward a short paper on this topic through a consultative process. ISOC-CH Member and National Councillor Balthasar Glättli is representing ISOC-CH in the Net Neutrality Working Group of the OFCOM in these regular meetings. Participants also include providers of telecommunications services, industry associations, consumer protection associations, and science representatives.
You can participate, also:
ISOC-CH Members can actively participate in this discussion by joining the Public Policy Aspects Committee mailing list: http://lists.isoc.ch/mailman/listinfo/ppac where all discussion on public policy will take place. Balthasar will send occasional reports on the topic and working group progress. Members are encouraged to express their views on the topic and ask questions in order to inform the process and end product (report, see below). All public policy related discussions will take place on this list.
We invite ISOC-CH members to subscribe to the Public Policy Aspects Committee list.
About the Working Group
The objective of the working group is to exchange ideas on the subject of the conditions of the Internet as an innovation source, from an economic perspective, while creating a solid basis for discussion on net neutrality.
The end product will be a short (5-10 page) descriptive report from the different positions on the subject that is objective and neutral in its presentation.
The group will meet in a series of sessions:
- 1 Session: Discussion of the mandate. General introduction to the basic conditions of discussion.
- 2 Session: Technical explanation by and to the various participants. Discussion.
- 3 Session: Narrowing down the topics of the report.
- 4 Session: Consideration of draft report.
- 5 Other meetings as required, planned completion of the work is summer 2014.
NEXT MEETING: 10 December 2013
Additional Information
- OFCOM (in English, French, German and Italian): http://www.bakom.admin.ch/index.html?lang=en
- Balthasar Glättli’s web page on IT and politics of the Internet in Switzerland (German): http://www.balthasar-glaettli.ch/category/it-web/
- ISOC-CH Members can actively interact with this discussion by joining the Public Policy Aspects Committee mailing list:
http://lists.isoc.ch/mailman/listinfo/ppac where all discussion on public policy will take place in future. - From ISOC-CH Member Brian Trammell, his post On Net Neutrality